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Screen capture chrome extension Error

Pages: 1
Posted:  08 Jan 2017 14:13

I've recently having this error with FireShot:
Error: couldn't open library sss.dll: error 126
In most cases, disabling the anti-virus software of FireShot reinstall helps.
It only happens in some websites, but this didn't use to happen before, even if the websites were big.

Would be nice if a fix was possible.

Posted:  18 Jan 2017 05:17
Can you please check the anti-virus logs?
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Posted:  19 Feb 2017 03:52
The SSS.DLL file exists in the wright dir - I even made exception for that dir in Defender.
I tried to register that dll and it looks like it is not valid:
" entry point not found" see pic taken:
I have Firefox 51 x86 and x64,  OS Window 8.1 x64
The add-on does not work for both x38 and x64 Firefox version
Is there any solution to use such a good add-on? It used to work when FF v ~47
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