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Save web site screenshot using API call

Pages: 1
Posted:  16 Sep 2016 17:00
FireShot Pro: 0.98.85
Windows 10 Pro
Chrome v.52

I have a Javascript function to save the web page when an error occurs:
        function CaptureScreen(mode) {
            var path_folder_images = "C:/images/";
            FireShotAPI.savePage(true, 'framePageCapture', 'c:\images\Test.png');

But it appears to ignore the name and the path no matter how i code it.

It saves it with a filename like:
FireShot Pro Screen Capture #031 - 'GFMS WebDesktop' - localhost_52047_Default_as.png

And then it opens the file save dialog box to show where it has saved it.

1. I would just like to save a screenshot when an error appears in my program and then save it to a database. (Already have that code)
2. Can you point me to any documentation about the API calls and the proper syntax to call them.

It seems very powerful, but just need more info on how to call the API.

Pages: 1



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