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Save entire webpage capture to OneNote from Edge not prompting to save

Pages: 1
Posted:  20 Sep 2021 18:54   Last Edited By: lenraphael
Export entire page to OneNote issue. I hear a capture sound but nothing pops up. No prompt in OneNote either.

Win 11 biz slow release
OneNote Ver 2109 14430.20148 click to run
browser Edge Version 94.0.992.23 (Official build) beta (64-bit)

Your plug in ver 99.15

URL trying to print to ON https://taxandaccounting.force.com/servlet/fileField?entityId=ka65Y000000GtbBQAS&field=attachment__Body__s

Chrome seems to work. At least it pops up the prompt for saving to ON
(ctrl shift j "failed to load resource:net:; ERR_Blocked by Client"
Pages: 1



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