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reading errors in gmails

Pages: 1
Posted:  28 Mar 2014 17:41
In Firefox version 28, using windows XP & with fireshot V.0.98.51.
I can copy to the clipboard and paste in a gmail But the clip does not appear in the recipient's email. It will however if read in chrome!
Any ideas
Posted:  30 Mar 2014 15:24
That's interesting. What version is the Chrome running at by the way?
Posted:  30 Mar 2014 20:15
Version 33.0.1750.154 m
Posted:  07 Apr 2014 08:38
On further inspection I can copy in Firefox but it will only be readable after pasting into a gmail sent via Chrome.
NB. under "preferences" i have the possibility to "intergrate" with either IE or Chrome - NO option for Firerfox
Posted:  07 Apr 2014 10:41
I think, this is how Firefox handles the pastings from clipboard. FireShot does not anything specific while putting the image into clipboard. It does not matter, whether FireShot is called from Chrome or Firefox - results should be the same.

P.S. FireShot does not have the capabilities to integrate to Firefox automatically from the dropdown menu.
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