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Chrome screnshot - no capture

Pages: 1
Posted:  04 Mar 2014 22:57   Last Edited By: denada777
no capture in Chrome

recently, in the past few days it stopped working.  I dont know why, but when I choose any option other than  Capture browser window https://prntscr.com/2xw7tz
it doesnt work. it fails to open another window....just sits there like nothing happened.

I have tried deleting the extension and re-installing it
i went from using a beta version of chrome to the most up to date normal version.
I have reached the end of my knowledge base and I need some help please.

thank you in advance smile
Posted:  09 Mar 2014 16:49
It could be possible that Chrome automatically updated itself. Can you verify that the version is still the same from the time that this worked for you?
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