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Prompted to register (no option to enter key)

Pages: 1
Posted:  22 Jun 2020 19:23
Good Afternoon,
I have a lifetime license for FireShot Pro (purchased in 2016)
I'm attempting to get the plugin registered on a new build.
Same computer. Different OS (clean install of Win10 Pro x64 (and browsers))
I followed the posted instructions at: https://getfireshot.com/sup/art763.htm ("HowTO - Entering License Key")
Have FireShot plugin installed on latest release of Chrome, Firefox and Edge
On each browser, when I clicked on FireShot "Switch to Pro", the content on that same entry (bottom  of the menu) switche to "Register" rather than the usual "Licence Info". (I am not prompted to enter my license info)

Instead, when I click on that bottom-most menu entry, (now) "Register", I am re-directed to a page where I'm prompted to purchase my registration anew.

Do I need a different FireShot Pro installer? (Using the instructions, I downloaded and installed [fireshot-install-0_98_97_2.exe]

I use this plugin extensively. Would be most grateful for assistance in resolving this issue.

Thank you, kindly, in advance
Pages: 1



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