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Popup selection only captures background

Pages: 1
Posted:  05 Feb 2022 03:47
In Firefox (96.0.3 64-bit latest version) and using newly registered Fireshot.

I'm trying to capture a scrolling pop-up window (ad reports from Facebook/Meta Business Suite for client reporting).

I use Capture selection/element -- and then in the popup, it shows me the yellow boxed border and where to CTRL and click to save that scrolling window -- perfect.

But when I then actually press CTRL and click -- it captures the partially obscured background *BEHIND* the pop-up window, not the content in the pop-up window.

The reason I got to Pro version was for this purpose and that it says it can capture scrolling areas -- I need to have a better way of doing these than multiple sceenshots stitched together in Photoshop!

Pages: 1



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