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Out of Resources - on a 64 GB RAM computer (with 84% free RAM)

Pages: 1
Posted:  17 Nov 2018 14:25
Hi! I bought the pro version to export large map textures from Google Maps. After lots of frustration and reduction of file sizes I managed to get a 12000 x 8000 capture into the Editor, but whenever I try to save, I am told this:

"Unable to create image object: out of resources. Try reducing image extents or get more of free RAM".

Well, I am on a workstation with 64 GB of RAM, 84% of which is free at the moment.

I need to get a 24000 x 16000 pixel map texture ready to print by tuesday, or break my promise to my clients - which I am eager to avoid. What can I do to fix this?

Pages: 1



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