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NOT WORKING: Capture all Chrome tabs and save as PDF

Pages: 1
Posted:  16 Aug 2022 17:44   Last Edited By: njannah
Plugin version: FireShot Pro for Chrome v.1.10.05
OS type: MS Windows 11 Home, v.21H2
Version of browser: Chrome, version 104.0.5112.81 (Official Build) (64-bit)

PROBLEM: The capture all tabs functionality has suddenly stopped performing correctly. I've used FireShot Pro for almost a year now and never had any issues with this feature until this weekend, when I noticed that not all of the tabs were actually being captured in the PDF. Even more unusual is that the subset of tabs that are successfully captured randomly changes when I attempt a re-capture (due to the first capture attempt failing to capture all of the tabs). For example, given a browser window with 10 tabs, 3 might be captured on the first request, and 6 might be captured on the second request, with some overlap in the specific tabs captured on each of the attempts. I have tried clearing browser history, changing save settings, restarting browser, all to no avail.

Steps to reproduce the bug: on first tab, select option to "Capture all tabs and save as PDF", check PDF and see that some tabs were not captured.

Webpage URLs causing this problem: all non-PDF URLs attempted since Saturday night (sample of URL types below; given 20 tabs like this, only 12 might capture)

https://www.humana.com/provider/medical-resources/claims-payments/processing-edits/code-edit-notifications?searchTerm=behavioral&PolicyID=478 ...
https://www.humana.com/provider/medical-resources/claims-payments/processing-edits/code-edit-notifications?searchTerm=behavioral&PolicyID=479 ...
https://www.humana.com/provider/medical-resources/claims-payments/processing-edits/code-edit-notifications?searchTerm=evaluation&PolicyID=235 ...
Pages: 1



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