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not capturing entire webpage screenshot

Pages: 1
Posted:  11 Sep 2017 05:26
Hi. I am not sure when this went bad but my "capture entire page" used to scroll down the page and give me one large screen shot.

It's now just capturing the visible screen. Sometimes I get white for the rest of the page.

"About" won't come up so I can't tell you my version. I'm in the newest Chrome on Windows 10.

Thanks for your help.

Posted:  11 Sep 2017 05:27
Fireshot 0.98.92
Posted:  20 Nov 2017 14:15   Last Edited By: horia_m
I have the same problem, using Fireshot  0.98.93 on Firefox 56.02, Win7 !
It worked great in former times, but now does not (i presume, it is since the last update of Firefox and/or Fireshot)
In fact, the capturing of the whole page was the main and only reason I was using it.

What can I do about it? switch to another software, or hope for a bug repair?
I mention that I do not want to switch to the new Firefox 57 Quantum, mainly because it forbids the use of a lot of add-ons that I use since years.

Thank you in advance for your answers/solutions!
Posted:  22 Nov 2017 17:45
horia_m, you can install manually any previous version of Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/fireshot/versions/
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Posted:  24 Jan 2018 01:25
This does not help those of us using Chrome. 

I am having the same problem as "ptype", as well as not being able to scroll to capture more than the visible portion of any page.  That's the whole reason I bought it. 

Please help!
Posted:  30 Jan 2018 21:30
MissMel, this seems to be the bug I cannot detect. Can we have a small TeamViewer session to research it?
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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