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More than one window for multiple browser screenshots.

Pages: 1
Posted:  17 Aug 2016 23:27
So I searched the forums first and I couldn't find anything addressing this.

So, say I am on a page, I take a screenshot of the page, fireshot pops up with that screenshot. Ok, so now I am on the next page and I take another screenshot, this does not popup the screenshot. I have to either save or close out the first screenshot in order for the second to be shown. I looked in the options, on the interwebs, etc, and have found no way to have multiple windows pop up w/the screenshots. I might just be oblivious; it's been know to happen!

Sometimes I need to have two or three screenshots that I can switch between just to get the information temporarily.

Is there a way to switch between current screenshots? Without closing one out? I couldn't find anything in settings. I would really just like for each screenshot, regardless, to open it's own personal 'fireshot popup'.

Any help would be appreciated! I spent hours finding(and testing) a good screen capture.. I really like fireshot. Then this one limitation - which is essential for me. (For example, Awesome screenshot opens every sequential screenshot in a new tab). Screenshots opening in a new tab is better than a popup too, but it's not really a nuisance.

Thanks for your time! I'm running chrome, btw.
Posted:  18 Aug 2016 14:16
Thanks for asking! Please try switching FireShot to Pro mode (directly from the FireShot Editor). This will solve your problem.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  18 Aug 2016 18:32
That's not really an answer. "My foot hurts" "Oh, cut it off and use this bionic one". I'm not going to spend money on possibilities. I guess the search continues. Have a nice day. )
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