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Low Memory Bug

Pages: 1
Posted:  17 Oct 2007 22:21
I installed FireShot and tried to take a screenshot, and I go the following error:

System works at low memory.
It's impossible to make more screenshots.

I have more then 1 Gig of RAM available.
Posted:  18 Oct 2007 06:17   Last Edited By: JK
Thanks a lot for your report!
Could you check please whether rebooting or closing some application helps?

I'll change the message box in next version - to be correct, it should say "System works at low resources". Capturing and working with a bitmap having 16000x1280 pixels requires at least 250megs of RAM...

Can you also specify the extents of the web-page you're trying to capture? Possibly a bit tiny webpages are captured?
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Posted:  20 Oct 2007 05:41
I got the same bug, I have a 2560*1024 desktop with 1 Gb in RAM, this is a shot taked with PrintScreen key and edited with Fireworks...

Posted:  20 Oct 2007 11:13
Thanks, that's informative, but can you specify the size of the page (not desktop) you're trying to capture?
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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Posted:  24 Oct 2007 06:55
I made the size of the browser small, about 300x300 and told it to capture only the visible area.
I get the same error as posted above.
I have 3GB of RAM. WindowsXP.
Rebooting did not fix the problem.
My system reports 2.3GB of free RAM while trying to do the screenshot operation.
I also made sure that Firefox is the only program running.
Posted:  24 Oct 2007 12:43
Thats a pity sad

Looks like additional debug info should be added in next release.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  09 Nov 2007 18:53
Hello JK,

I didn't have this problem with version .16 (I think that was the version #.) But after upgrading to .20 and now .21 I'm having the issue reported in this thread.

I can confirm what jano23 said: it doesn't seem to matter what the browser window size is, or whether I choose "whole page" or just "visible area".

Unlike jano23, I'm running Vista Pro, with 2gb of ram and over 1gb free.

I don't know what it is looking for regarding "video memory." Is the video card actually playing a role in the screen capture? The Firefox "ScreenGrab!" extension doesn't seem to have any issues capturing the page no matter what size it is. And version .16 didn't seem to have a problem either.

I'm willing to try out any test builds if you wanted to test a few things before a public release.

Thank you for an excellent extension!

I hope we can help get this kink worked out. Just let me know if you'd like me to do anything.

Posted:  09 Nov 2007 19:27
Your help will be appreciated, thank you! At first I'd like to see the error message since that version provides more informative error handling. Can you attach a screenshot?
Also please let me know whether this error happens everytime or some URLs the extension can process still exist.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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