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"SmartSoft" stealing other developers creations?

Pages: 1
Posted:  31 Aug 2007 21:30
Hi "SmartSoft"

Let me introduce myself: My name is Johannes Jonker, the ORIGINAL creator of Screenshot Studio Express, published on Softpedia. Today, when I checked on my software (the first time in 6 months), I received a huge shock: not only had my FREEWARE software been hijacked and its publisher's website changed, but it now also costed about $25!

I don't know who you think you are to go round stealing other developers' creations, but I certainly don't plan to let you continue. Softpedia has already been notified and I demand that you instantly contact me regarding this matter.

I am not sure how you gained access to my account on Softpedia, but I am REALLY mad at the moment.

Please contact me ASAP at the following address:

joh (at) johannesjonker (dot) com


Johannes Jonker
Posted:  01 Sep 2007 05:59
smile Looks like a good promo for your product, but won't delete this thread.

I'm afraid, you don't have any arguments to blame SmartSoft Team in stealing of software. All sourcecodes, binaries and this website are property of SmartSoft Team.

But I think I see the problem: when I try to download your product I get mine. I think something went wrong at softpedia database and you should inform them. I'm sure, they will confirm their mistake.
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Posted:  02 Sep 2007 11:46
I apologize for the burst of rage. sad

I was in a state of utter madness when I made the discovery on Softpedia. Looks like after all they are the culprit - hopefully this is just an error on their database. thumb_down

Regards and apologies,

Posted:  02 Sep 2007 15:29
Accepted smile
May happen for everybody.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  31 May 2014 18:38
I checked this today, looks like they made the changes already and sticked with this after all those years.
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