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Make it international please

Pages: 1
Posted:  30 Sep 2007 18:44

I noticed your smart extension was missing a more complete localization, so I made one for you to be grabbed on one my pages

Of course most of the interface when taking a screenshot cannot be localized, because I suppose it is hosted somewhere on a server of yours (I am not sure of that, I am no coder, just a localizer knowing some tricks)

Anyway, now that this extension can easily be translated, you are welcome to submit it on https://www.babelzilla.org where you can get more languages for free (currently en-US only, ru-RU is void)

- Goofycool

BabelZilla Team
Posted:  01 Oct 2007 14:34
Thanks a lot. However you're right, some code need to be processed in more complex way to get localized.

Anyway, this is a good idea.
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