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Lost FS button

Pages: 1
Posted:  10 Jan 2017 19:06
Plugin version: 98.90 (most recent)
OS: MS Windows 10
Firefox:  50.1.0
Have enjoyed the use of FireShot for a while now, but just recently I've lost my Fireshot button that normally sits in the address or bookmarks bar.  I've gone through options, I've tried removing and reinstalling.  I even tried uninstall/reinstalling Firefox.  I can get Fireshot using the context menu or tools menu, but my toolbar button is what I'm most comfortable using.

Yes, I did look in the 'Customization menu' to see if it was in there.  I even hit the 'restore defaults' while in 'customization', where it spits all the various added plugin buttons back into the customization tool box, but the Fireshot button never shows up no matter what I try. 

Any ideas would be appreciated!  Thank you!
Posted:  18 Jan 2017 05:12
Can you check please the Addons window? Does FireShot extension exist in the list and is it enabled?
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  21 Jan 2017 10:09
Thank you for your response.  Yes, that was the very first thing checked.  As of this moment, after trying many various installs and reinstalls, I have installed an earlier version of Firefox and an earlier version of Fireshot and finally have my button back.  Yeah, I know security is an issue.  Hopefully at some point in time I can get an update that works.  Until then I'll go with the older models that work together.
Thanks again.
Pages: 1

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