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Lost ability to use the Fireshot pro & License when moved to a MAC Computer-New issue with last upda

Pages: 1
Posted:  16 Mar 2019 22:31
Version 0.98.96 Lite. Still have a License for windows. Mac. OSX 10.14.3 Mohave. Chrome ver. 72.0.3626.121 (Official Build) (64-bit). Across all websites AND copy action from all other copy apps during copy and past of email, PDF editing software, system copy & paste of other software (.xls). Everything! copied & Pasted from any/all other apps.
The paste produces a LOW resolution green overlay over all sections considered to be a link with extremely small print of advertising concerning "Fireshot pro and the link imbedded horizontally at the center". This action ruins the high resolution copies that I produce.
Now I can't get rid of it! Behaves as a virus... This action continues when I invoke the Mac operating system copy of a page in an unrelated document: Ie: .ods, .xls, and others outside the chrome browser which is closed and out of memory.
I see this new feature as a serious degradation of your traditional copy & Paste feature! Why deface a copy?? Why in the Lite (Mac)version that cannot be upgraded to Pro?

Can you please provide a link to a lite version prior to this seriously problematic change? And how do I stop this from effecting everything else in my Mac OS?
Posted:  17 Mar 2019 06:20
The below post dated 16 Mar 2019 15:31 IS RESOLVED!
The issue was caused by a pdf editor preference default setting change after an update.  Used to edit a screenshot saved as a.pdf file. 

"Screenshot: Full Webpage Screenshots + Annotations" Has no involvement with this issue.

Post closed.
Pages: 1

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