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Just Stopped working !

Pages: 1
Posted:  19 Apr 2018 19:16
I use the freebie version - as a 63 y/o great grandma, my needs are rather simple.
First i love the product and use it 99% of the  time to keep records of any on-line purchases i make.  Comes in real handy when there's a dispute and I can say oh wait, I took a PDF screen shot of the purchase order. LOL Thank to you all, I nail 'em every time! 
    Been using it for awhile & suddenly it's just stopped working. I have used full page function but prefer selection; i opt for the JPG option over  PNG & have a directory set up on the C drive for later migration to it's actual related directory. I think the count might have been just a bit over 200 but < than 210. There was no access code or message, it just stopped functioning. 
.... I removed the old fireshot add-on, did a cold boot & added fireshot back on. That that did the trick. I don't know if my experience with the shutdown is unique or if it means anything significant. But as developers, i  thought you should know.  I was trying to copy a page of an ebay purchase, which i have done before.
continued success & thanks for helping grannies like me keep copies of gifts they buy their grand kids! 
fireshot version -  sorry i don't know.
OS - Windows Professional 7  sp2
Firefox 50.0.2
Posted:  23 Apr 2018 13:02

Thank you for your kind words and your report! thumb_up
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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