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Incomplete screenshot of web page (bottom part is black)

Pages: 1
Posted:  25 Feb 2011 13:22

I tried saving the entire web page as an image but the bottom part of the image is black. This always happens on web pages of this type, which display sheet music in Scorch format.

URL is https://www.music-scores.com/scorch.php?sheetmusic=Boccherini_Quintet_in_E_3rd_mvt

Could someone please look into that? Thanks!
Posted:  13 Mar 2011 23:32
Still haven't managed to get to the bottom of this - any attempts to help will be well appreciated! smile
Posted:  27 Jul 2011 17:09
I am having the same problem.  Fireshot won't capture the bottom 2 inches of the page.  On mine it just doesn't show up and then on the next fireshot it displays black bands at the bottom and top.  Would be nice to see a response from support on this.
Posted:  27 Jul 2011 17:16
I am using FS plugin v.0.02 for IE Explorer 8.0.7600 on Windows 7 pro.
Pages: 1

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