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How to limit shadow to the text box

Pages: 1
Posted:  09 Apr 2013 14:13

I've upgraded FireShot up to v.0.98.32 Pro version and as a result, the shadowing works differently.
Before, the shadowing applied only to the text box and not to the shape nor to the pointer.

I still appreciate the shadow to the right and under the text box but not around the shape and the pointer because the final effect in not sharp enough.
How can the shadow be limited to the text box as before ?

Additional info :
- Plugin version 0.98.32 Pro - previous version : free 30 days trial
- FireFox version 19.0.2 French
- MS Windows XP Professional SP3 French

Thanks you,
Posted:  09 Apr 2013 17:20
Sorry, there's no such option to limit the shadows only for the text boxes.
You can disable this feature entirely if you would like to.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  14 Apr 2013 16:24
Thanks. But is it possible to have the shadow feature the same with the previuos version?
Posted:  18 Apr 2013 11:50
Here are 3 screenshots + annotations of the same area :

1. without shadow :

2. with shadow from an old image created with the FireShot version initially used in september 2012 :

3. and now :

Thank you.
Pages: 1

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