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FireShot with Chrome and Windows 8 Pro x64

Pages: 1
Posted:  15 Mar 2013 21:14

I use FireShot on Firefox and it works fine there, but my main browser is chrome and it is annoying to have to keep going into Firefox in order to grab a screenshot.

I was also thinking I'd go Pro, but what's the point if it doesn't work with Chrome. When I try and get the extension, I am shown this.

I would greatly appreciate some help.

Thank You.
Posted:  21 Mar 2013 22:08
Hi. Have you tried the latest version of chrome with this yet?
Posted:  22 Mar 2013 17:33
Hi Peleus

Yes my version of chrome is always the latest since it automatically updates, but still I checked, and yes I am on the latest version of Chrome, and still get the same error.
Posted:  09 Apr 2013 17:34
Ciwan, you need to run your Chrome browser once in the Windows 7 compatibility mode. Then reinstall FireShot. Then you can run your Chrome in your usual manner and FireShot should be working for you.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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