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Help file for FireShot extension free?

Pages: 1
Posted:  25 Oct 2011 17:06
Is there a downloadable help file for the free FireShot?  Only help doc I find is for FS Pro - here

Also, is there an easy way to use COLORS to highlight text, vs just inversion tool, that usually turns background black & text white?

Posted:  25 Oct 2011 17:12   Last Edited By: JK
There's a small demo here: https://screenshot-program.com/fireshot/demo.php

You can use Annotation tool "Shape" to highlight areas (as shown by the demo).
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  25 Oct 2011 18:22
Thanks.  That's of some help, but it appears using annotation, the default color when select text w/ cursor is always green.  I tried changing the color by clicking the color box in annotation & choosing another - even entering it as a custom color & click OK. 

Doesn't retain that setting for next shot.  Dull green isn't great for highlighting (unless there IS a way to change default).  I wouldn't want to change highlighting color by current method on every shot.

Annotation also adds the text box w/ arrow.  If delete text box, also del the highlighted text effect.  Unless I'm missing something, not terribly useful for highlighting.  Seems like highlighting would be one of very 1st features users would like?
Posted:  14 Dec 2013 21:11
Is there also a PDF guide where users can check so tips here please? I couldn't find one on the support page.
Pages: 1

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