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Email doesn't work

Pages: 1
Posted:  23 Oct 2011 19:14   Last Edited By: cec
I've just installed  Fireshot 0.93 on my FF6, Win Xp system. I can capture a page and edit and save it, but that's not what I want. There are dozens of screencapture addons and apps out there.

I installed FS only for the ability to email screenshots, and it doesn't work.

I get the sound of a camera, and the option to change the image (png/jpg etc). The underlined "switch to advanced" text doesn't function.

When I click save, I get a progress bar and then nothing. There is no image saved anywhere and nothing email related actually happens. To say I'm disappointed is an understatement because it looked very promising, replacing my existing screen capture addon, and the addon I used to email screencaps that hasn't been updated.

Can you tell me what should happen so I can look out for it? And, of course suggest causes and fixes?

(I use two monitors, but am looking to screencap/email the current Firefox page shown only on one monitor)
Posted:  24 Oct 2011 22:12
I upgraded to the latest version of FS, 0.94, and that doesn't work either.
Posted:  25 Oct 2011 05:47   Last Edited By: JK
You specified everything except the email client. What email client are you using? Thunderbird and GMail are known as ones who do not support MAPI.
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Posted:  25 Oct 2011 16:54
Thanks for saying that. I didn't notice any warnings about that anywhere, or any list of compatible clients. I do use in fact use Thunderbird as my main client, and with a previous extension used sendEmail-v156 as a command line app to email webpages.

I don't see anywhere in FS to specify a mail client or set any parameters, so I guess it doesn't like sendEmail-v156 either? Without being able to set a mail client what would happen if a user had two clients installed, and both were compatible with FS?

If FS worked well enough I would be willing to install another client specifically for FS as indeed I did for my previous extension, but without a list of compatible clients I could do an awful lot of trial and error before finding one that worked.
Posted:  25 Oct 2011 17:01
The MAPI client can be configured via "Internet Options" control applet:


By the way, Microsoft Outlook works fine for me.

P.S: Are you using a portable version of Thunderbird?
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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Posted:  25 Oct 2011 17:08   Last Edited By: JK
I've just checked a non-portable version of Thunderbird 2.0 on my virtual PC and it's working fine with FireShot and settings shown at the screenshot I posted.

I don't see anywhere in FS to specify a mail client or set any parameters, so I guess it doesn't like sendEmail-v156 either?

You can use "Open in external editor" feature and specify required command line for your sendEmail-v156.exe external program.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  25 Oct 2011 19:30
thanks for the suggestions, I'll have another go and see if I can configure either Thunderbird 7 (non-portable)or sendEmail
Posted:  30 Nov 2011 14:30
well, I did have another go, and whilst sendemail worked from the command line, your addon totally refused to add the screenshot to the email. Nothing I did made any difference.

Now, after going back for another try, I find the software prompts me to BUY it. I thought it was supposed to be free FFS.

Anyway, its gone. Removed. History.
Posted:  27 Jun 2014 19:55
Hi Cec, just checking here. Are you still using this for this year?
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