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Header and footer information after editor export

Pages: 1
Posted:  11 Jan 2023 22:50
Just a quick idea.

If you have to blur something or add some pointer you take the screenshot to the editor. The usefull header and footer information you can add when taking a screenshot direct to file is not available.

Would be cool to have the option to add these header and footer info also in an export to PDF or JPG after editing the screenshot in the editor.
Posted:  12 Jan 2023 05:36
Why? All the info is still available even if you save it from the Editor. Did you check the Header/Footer settings in Options? They exist both for PDFs and image files.

Another approach is available under the "Capturing" section in the Options. You can add a Title and an URL as text objects to captures. If you save them in PNG then, FireShot will retain that info and make it available for further editing if you re-open such PNGs back in FireShot Pro.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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Posted:  13 Jan 2023 09:25
Yes, the header and footer settings work if you directly save it as an image or PDF. But if you take a screenshot direct to the editor, you just have the screenshot without either header or footer.

For pictures the workaround could be saving the screenshot to file an opening it afterwards in the editor.
Posted:  16 Jan 2023 04:47
The header/footer information is not displayed in the Editor, but if you create an image from the capture, it will be added to the output. Why do you need this info in the Editor?
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  18 Jan 2023 13:59
Sorry JK. Problem solved. My requested function was already implemented. Thank you for leading me to the correct spot smile
Pages: 1

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