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Posted:  30 Dec 2022 21:04
Re., FireShot-chrome-plugin
Product Name: FireShot Webpage Captures
Product Version: 1.10.05

Hello, I have been repeatedly trying to execute a “Capture entire page and > Save as PDF” procedure for a walmart.com webpage, located here:  https://www.walmart.com/ip/Coleman-Ridgeline-Camping-Cot-with-Foam-Sleeping-Pad-26-x-13-x-75-in-Green/17215240?athbdg=L1100  - with multiple / repeated efforts failing time after time, as every single time, the lower portion (i.e., about the last third) does not get included.

I have tried
–  Closing all other browser extensions
–  Closing all tabs except target page tab, and then using “Capture all tabs > Save as single PDF option”
–  Setting screen capturing speed down to as low as 35%
–  To capture from browser window at both 100% and 200% magnifications
–  Capture entire page and > Edit
–  Capture entire page and > Copy to clipboard
–    Starting capture from at both the bottom and top of webpage

Browser Version: Google Chrome / Version 108.0.5359.125 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Device Specifications:
Device name    HP-15-g019wm-Notebook-PC-Lap-top
Processor    AMD A8-6410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics       2.00 GHz
Installed RAM    8.00 GB (6.95 GB usable)
Device ID    AB05C581-7B0F-4305-A039-A0C6D07E1D39
Product ID    00325-80000-00000-AAOEM
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    No pen or touch input is available for this display

Windows Specifications:
Edition        Windows 10 Home
Version        22H2
Installed on    ‎8/‎5/‎2020
OS build    19045.2364
Experience    Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4190.0

Re., Logs: I have seen in other postings where you say “Logs are greatly appreciated! To get them, press Ctrl+Shift+J in browser and copy the contents of the browser console“ – but for someone who is completely tech-illiterate that’s like talking Greek or giving a message in hieroglyphics (at least at the point where the point of the “copy the contents of the browser console” comes in, for someone who doesn’t know how to do that).

The closest I could come to trying to understand that,  was via applying the instructions of a video that I was able to find,  entitled “How to share your Chrome Developer Console logs” (from https://support.glassfrog.com/support/solutions/articles/9000123560-how-to-share-your-chrome-developer-console-logs), to the relevant webpage that I’m having trouble with capturing in its entirety (i.e., cited above).
Bearing that in mind, what I was able to come up with in that regard, for you, as far as what I think you may perhaps be referring to w/in the browser console log for that page (which also all reads as Greek, to me), appears as follows:

17215240:1 Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'strict-dynamic' drfdisvc.walmart.com cdn.quantummetric.com *.px-cloud.net *.wal.co *.developer.walmart.com beacon.walmart.com i5.walmartimages.com www.recaptcha.net connect.facebook.net maps.googleapis.com *.zeekit.me zeekit.me qa.zeekit.walmart.com zeekit.walmart.com cdn.cs.1worldsync.com cc.cs.1worldsync.com ws.cnetcontent.com ccsprodus1.blob.core.windows.net salsify-ecdn.com www.ezdia.com cdn.richcontext.com media.flixcar.com media.flixfacts.com *.flix360.io *.flix360.com d3np41mctoibfu.cloudfront.net d3nkfb7815bs43.cloudfront.net content.jwplatform.com assets-jpcust.jwpsrv.com ssl.p.jwpcdn.com *.buywith.com *.talkshop.live wss://api.talkshop.live 'nonce-J7qfe5P0FQzV1Ig4'". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-uhrP68ZcqnQYL8Hk3i2pOZgekznJTDVU3v9vSARhN6c='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution.

17215240:1 Refused to load the script 'https://www.walmart.com/akam/13/3dad5b99' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'strict-dynamic' drfdisvc.walmart.com cdn.quantummetric.com *.px-cloud.net *.wal.co *.developer.walmart.com beacon.walmart.com i5.walmartimages.com www.recaptcha.net connect.facebook.net maps.googleapis.com *.zeekit.me zeekit.me qa.zeekit.walmart.com zeekit.walmart.com cdn.cs.1worldsync.com cc.cs.1worldsync.com ws.cnetcontent.com ccsprodus1.blob.core.windows.net salsify-ecdn.com www.ezdia.com cdn.richcontext.com media.flixcar.com media.flixfacts.com *.flix360.io *.flix360.com d3np41mctoibfu.cloudfront.net d3nkfb7815bs43.cloudfront.net content.jwplatform.com assets-jpcust.jwpsrv.com ssl.p.jwpcdn.com *.buywith.com *.talkshop.live wss://api.talkshop.live 'nonce-J7qfe5P0FQzV1Ig4'". Note that 'strict-dynamic' is present, so host-based allowlisting is disabled. Note that 'script-src-elem' was not explicitly set, so 'script-src' is used as a fallback.

. . . If that’s not what you’re referring to, could you please kindly create and add a step-by-step video tutorial / example of exactly how to do this, correctly, in the manner in which you would prefer, to this help forum, for your viewers, for the purposes of clarification, so that we can “see” exactly how to do this?


Thank you very much.
Posted:  01 Jan 2023 17:14
Hello Steve. Thank you for your report, description, and for the logs.
I checked this page and found that it cannot be captured fine if it's not fully loaded.

Can you please try capturing this page using the follow approach:

- make sure the page is completely loaded
- manually scroll the page to the bottom, then start capturing.

Thank you.

P.S. I can confirm a strange page behavior - please note the scroll bar size changes while the page is being scrolled. Some of the internal scripts is constantly changing the page layout - this can make FireShot crazy. However, during my checks this page was capture incorrectly just a few times, and this was at the moments when the page did not finish loading.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  01 Jan 2023 17:18
There's another approach to fix this issue provided in this topic: https://getfireshot.com/sup/art3169.htm
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  01 Jan 2023 23:20   Last Edited By: JK
Hello. Thank you for your 01 Jan 2023 17:14 response.

Please forgive my considerable ignorance, which is quite embarrassing - but What do ou mean when you say to "make sure the page is completely loaded"?
As long as I can scroll to the bottom of the page, doesn't that mean it's fully loaded?
If not, please explain, and advise, in simple terms, how to do so.

AS well, w/regard to the logs that I provided, did I actually do that correctly for you, in the manner that you prefer, as per me earlier explanation - (i.e., were those the correct logs, or are there instead, some other type of logs, which you typically prefer, and if so, could you please give a numbered, step-by-step procedure, on how to get them, for you, on simple, easy to understand, layman's terms)?

Also, with regard to your suggestion to scroll the page to the bottom, then start capturing (i.e., to scroll to the end of the webpage and then execute the capturing process from there), I have also tried that approach (multiple times), along w/the others, previously mentioned - without positive results (i.e., full capture still fails).

Finally, w/regard to the latter part of your response (time stamped for 01 Jan 2023 17:1blink, while I appreciate and have looked at the alternative approach to which toy referred me to therein, as provided in the topic at https://getfireshot.com/sup/art3169.htm, I understand the instructions provided thereby, to Open the Console (Ctrl + Shift + J) – which is the equivalent of right clicking on th webpage and then clicking on the “inspect” option of the drop down menu – but once done, or once there ), the resultant display window), HOW do I then execute the given window.addEventListener("scroll", e => { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }, true); code, availed thereby? 

PLEASE EXPLAIN, STEP-BY-STEP, as I know how to use a browser, but I have zero knowledge, education, training, or experience when it any of the types of operational procedures involved with working within Elements or Consoles of developer related panels, or computer language &/or coding, etc.

Your patient perseverance and assistance are greatly appreciated.

Looking forward, most anxiously, to your further assistance, in this regard, and hopefully, a successful resolution.
Posted:  02 Jan 2023 17:31
Hello. Fully loaded means there's no activity neither where the tab caption is located, nor in status bar. According to the info you provided, it looks like the page is finished loading when you start FireShot.


I found a good tutorial describing how to open the console and run a command: https://www.webucator.com/article/how-to-open-google-chromes-javascript-console/

Please make sure before opening the console that the page tab you're going to capture is the active (focused) tab in the browser.

The step 5 suggest you: "Now type "gobbledygook" in the Console and press Enter:". What you need to do instead is to run this command:

window.addEventListener("scroll", e => { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }, true);

After the code is executed, you may  close the console and try capturing the page.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  03 Jan 2023 22:08
While I VERY MUCH appreciate your time and efforts, I personally have neither the time nor patience to continue pursuing this any firther.
I've asked clear, specific and precise questions and requested clear and specific instructions to follow, step by step, in order to achieve a resolution to this dilemma, in a manner that would be easily understandable, and easy to follow, for someone such as myself, who clearly hasn't got a clue. w/regard to all of the technical aspects and jargon associated with all of this - such as how to go about working with control panels and logs, and entering &.or running commands, from w/in such, etc., - when I (and I'm sure, many others, as well), haven't got a clue, how to do so.
When we purchase these products it's because we're looking to make our lives easier - not because we're looking to lose a ton of time having to set out on a new journey, of learning how to work within Java or other computer languages, etc., or how to utilize or apply them, in order to effectuate resolutions to problems that we can' understand or comprehend, to begin with.
To this end, and because there are no basic video tutorials that are otherwise available to your clients, who could so much more greatly benefit from visual walkthroughs, of how to apply the methodologies of these troubleshooting approaches – and out of pure frustration – I tried one last thing (which I’d been hoping to avoid) . . . being at the end of my rope, and the end of my patience.
What I did, was I also / alternatively downloaded and installed the Firefox browser, and then also installed the FireShot plug-in, into such, as well . . . and THEN, from there, I was finally able to successfully execute the full page capture, from the same webpage, that'd been being so problematical, in the Chrome browser (i.e., with the addition of a few editorial / corrective tweaks, w/in the body of the FireShot capture, which were able to be done, by also utilizing some of the editorial, formatting and graphics / layout features, of Adobe Acrobat Pro, and “Snagit” (i.e., another type of screen capture software (i.e., in conjunction, with your FireShot.
Long story short – finally – mission accomplished, ‘though if I find myself getting tested this badly by FireShot again, I may be definitely be tempted TRASH it, with prejudice.
But that being said, if it however continues to work as well as I was finally able to get it to work in Firefox, to the extent that I need, then I may come around to considering it a winner, and touting how great it may be, after all.
Just the frustration is quite challenging, that's all. But I'm trying to hold out hope.
And once again, you REALLY should STRONGLY consider adding some easy to understand, basic level, browser specific, walk-through procedural troubleshooting video tutorials, for this product. It just might help you to save the sanity, and retention – as well as add to the growing body - of your clientele.
Posted:  03 Jan 2023 22:13
PS: If you do videos, they should include audio, and not be silent videos.
Posted:  03 Jan 2023 22:35
PSS: I did go bck to Chrome abd tried running / executing the code provided, per the tutorial link which you also provided (thank you VERY much) . . . but no cigar. FireShot's still taking / citting section from bottom of end section and and overlaying it higher up, onto main body of screenshot, on top of other content.
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