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FireShot - Full webpage screenshot tool support forum / FireShot Browser Extension / Enhancement and Feature Requests

Feature Request: Remote access, on screen tech support

Pages: 1
Posted:  31 Dec 2022 15:13
Feature Request: Please consider Remote access, toll-free on-call screen tech support option, for paid license holders, for direct, expdited access / problem resolurions, for the less tech savvy. Perhaps an additional, paid, enhanced support option?
Posted:  01 Jan 2023 17:16
Thank you for your suggestion. thumb_up
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  04 Jan 2023 14:40
Hello, I can't see a way to use to incorporate FireShot into Adobe Acrobat 9
Is there a way to do this please, as it would save me an awful lot of extra hassle in the future?
John W
Posted:  04 Jan 2023 22:13
If you re referring to Adobe Acrobat Pro, it desn't get "incorperated into" it, but rather, is cross-compatable with it. Or that is to say, if you Capture an entire webpage and > save to PDF, with FireShot, that captured and saved PDF then becomes accessble for opening &/or editing, or otherwise modifying, via Adobe Acrobat.
Posted:  05 Jan 2023 00:47
Hi Steve M,
Thanks for the reply.
But what I was referring to was,
if I open up a pdf in Acrobat 9, I wanted to be able to capture a page with FireShot for use with Photoshop, Word etc.
All the best,
Posted:  05 Jan 2023 22:39
I'm brand new to this, and not the Administrator. The Administrator is "JK", as earlier identified back toward the beginning of this overall conversation (i.e., earlier on, above), where he had responded to my initial request, for an addition of a the feature, to FireShot . . . and this segway (into the context of your subject matter, which is entirely different), doesn't really belong here - and would be better submitted by you, as a direct query of your own, via either the  Premium Support or Public Support forum links, which appear in the upper left portion, of the main body of the homepage, of this Support forum/webpage ā€“ ā€˜though submitting your query via the Premium Support page link requires a purchased FireShot license, as referenced thereby, ā€˜though Iā€™m unsure if queries might be otherwise submittable by non-license holders, via the alternative Public Support forum option . . . as I had purchased my license w/out ever having tried the latter.
Submittals of queries and responses, in either event, require the viewer to be logged in, whereby, once having done so, in accordance w/the aforementioned / prerequisite requirement(s), either a ā€œTopic Titleā€ and related ā€œMessageā€ access panel may then be accessed, via scrolling down w/in the content of the aforementioned / selected page forum, for submittal of such new queries or topics . . . or, just the latter ā€œMessageā€ panel will appear, for a continuation of ongoing conversations, as related to previously submitted quarries &/or subject matter.
In either event, w/regard to the query which you have ā€œattachedā€ to my subject matter, as presented herein, and which only really serves as a distractive segway, therefrom, I will still nevertheless offer you the following, in an attempt to try and further assist you, while also reminding you, once again, that I am still new at all of this, myself, as well.
That being said, I would offer the following (work around) idea, in order for you to try and be able to achieve what I think youā€™re asking for, ā€˜though I canā€™t say for a fact, that I know itā€™ll will work, as you will have to try it:
1.    Go to whichever PDF you would be referring to and right click on it. Then on the pop-up menu that opens, go to ā€œopen withā€ and select the browser, into which you already have the FireShot extension installed ā€“ and click on it. Your PDF should then open on that browser.
2.    Now, w/the FireShot extension select ā€œCapture entire page and > Open on external editorā€.
3.    In the resultant Open in External Program window pane, ensure that the correct program that youā€™re referring to (i.e., Photoshop, Word etc.) is reflected / entered, into the provided ā€œSpecify external programā€ space, in the correct format (i.e., such as mspaint.exe for example, if you wanted to open the document, in that program).
OR, alternatively, try clicking on the little 3-dotted toggle, that appears to the right of where you would enter that info (i.e., under the close tab, or ā€œXā€, of the open window pane), and then find, select your preferred program, from there.
4.    Then, click on the ā€œOKā€ tab
Hopefully, this will work and open your PDF, via the FireShot extension in the program you prefer . . . from where it could then be worked on further, from w/in the format of that program, and then re-saved, as you wish?
This is all theoretical for me, and I havenā€™t tried it, but I hope it works, for you?
Also, I could probably try and brainstorm other things or methodologies, approaches, concepts and ideas that I may have . . . but this is taking a lot of my personal time, and Iā€™m just another (new) user / client, like you, and Iā€™m not really getting paid or compensated for this in any way.
So if further follow-up or ideas &/or approaches, trial &error are needed, I strongly encourage you to reach out via a direct submittal of your own, personal query, as deferred to, further above.
With that being said, I wish you the best.
And would be curious, to know how it goes?
Posted:  06 Jan 2023 10:56
Thank you so much for your comprehensive reply Steve.
I'll certainly give that a go.
I'd not even thought to: "open with'.
Clever idea, thanks.

Apologies for accidentally piggy-backing your thread.
1st time I've posted.
John W
Posted:  06 Jan 2023 16:43
Your certainly welcome smile
Best of luck !
Let me know how it goes smile
Posted:  06 Jan 2023 18:53
Hi Steve,
Just tried your idea of 'Open With' > Google Chrome, and there you go.
FireShot in the corner, looking very happy with itself :-)
Happy New Year,
John W
Posted:  06 Jan 2023 19:12
Great !  smile thumb_up
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