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Has option to specify Destination folder been removed in 1.11.25 updated 17 March 2023?

Pages: 1
Posted:  06 Apr 2023 14:42
Plugin version 1.11.25 Updated 17 March 2023
OS type and version  MS Windows 11 Home version 22H2 OS build 22621.1413 Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22639.1000.0, English
Version of browser Firefox 111.0.1 (64-bit)
Webpage URL All

Has the option to specify a destination folder been removed in 1.11.25, please?

ie is it no longer possible to configure whether FireShot should ask for the Destination folder each time when captures are being saved or, instead, if the captured screenshot should be stored in one specified (and configured) directory each time a capture is saved?

If this is still possible, I would appreciate any clues as to how to do this since, although your  online manual https://getfireshot.com/using.php#saving is lucidly and cogently written, it seems a little out of date. (I do realise that nobody likes updating manuals - especially when the author is so punctilious about rapid development and bug squashing...)
Posted:  06 Apr 2023 15:34   Last Edited By: JK
No, we did not change anything there. If you don't see the dialog, then its likely that you engaged the "Do not show the dialog until the SHIFT key is pressed" mode. So, as the name of the mode says, press the SHIFT key before you start a FireShot capture and keep it pressed until you see the dialog.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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