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Google maps Screenshot Pixel Size

Pages: 1
Posted:  14 Jan 2009 12:49
For my current project, I need screenshots that are no more than 500px wide. The initial crop/select pop-up screen is great so I can use this at the initial stage of selection. But then it disappears before I can even adjust the crop/selection.

Suggestion - could this 'size' window be called up during use of the editor? as a 'tool' or an 'option'?

After I have annotated a screenshot, I don't know how wide my work is until I open it in a graphic editor and re-sizing at that point, as well as optimizing, can lead to lack of text clarity.

Thank you for developing FireShot!

Firefox 3.0.5
FireShot 0.65 Pro
MS Windows XP Professional SP2, English
Posted:  14 Jan 2009 13:05
Ok, no problem.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  15 Jan 2009 11:51
Thank you!

Hils smile
Posted:  21 Jan 2009 16:13
This window is available in Pro mode at any time of editing actually. Can you see it?
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  27 Jun 2014 20:00
I can verify already that this is working as it should. Thanks!
Pages: 1

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