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Crop to a specific height and width

Pages: 1
Posted:  19 Dec 2008 06:49
Is there a feature where I can key in with a specific height and width before you crop the area?

Posted:  19 Dec 2008 07:27
Not yet, sorry
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Posted:  20 Dec 2008 06:27

I will explain better here.  What I like to see is after you create an area (square), it should have an option where it allow you to input the number for height and width. Then you could pan it around to where you want to crop it. It would be helpful to save many images of website/artwork with same size to be used for different purpose.

Posted:  20 Dec 2008 15:37
I see.
I think, I'll implement it in the next release, thank you.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  19 Dec 2013 09:50
Count me in on this please. I'd love to see this feature sometime next year if possible please.
Pages: 1

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