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Can't Export long screenshots to any editor

Pages: 1
Posted:  07 Jan 2009 11:49
Fireshot 0.63
Windows XP SP3
Firefox 3.0.5

I'm having an issue exporting to an external editor for some reason.  The error I get is:

"An error occured while starting external editor.
Please check whether specified path exists."

I take a screenshot using firefox and it opens up the fireshot editor, I click the export button and get that error.  I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling with no luck.  I do a lot of mockups and use photoshop a ton so this is crucial to me.

Awesome tool...bought it a year ago or so and can't live without it!
Posted:  07 Jan 2009 11:56
I just tried to copy to clipboard and paste into photoshop but that didn't work either.
Posted:  08 Jan 2009 11:14   Last Edited By: JK
can you provide us with a screenshot of the "Open in external Program" window?

I'm wondering why "mspaint.exe" doesn't work for you.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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Posted:  09 Jan 2009 01:39
Here is a screenshot of what I think you wanted.  If it was something else that you wanted, let me know.

Posted:  09 Jan 2009 08:20
Thanks for the screenshot. By the way, you could upload it to easycaptures.com using FireShot.

I think I see the problem. This field in options is obsolete, you should specify the editor in another place.

To do it, hold shift and press  "Open Screenshot in external Editor". You'll see the dialog.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  12 Jan 2009 22:38
That did it!!!  Thank you so much.  Fireshot rules once again!!!
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