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Full page screenshot not working in Firefox and Chrome

Pages: 1
Posted:  11 Feb 2022 18:52
I tried to capture this page: https://onitvs.mykajabi.com/julia-reeve-sales-page
But keep getting a RAM error. I rebooted the computer and still the same error.
Chrome is up to date
Version 98.0.4758.82 (Official Build) (64-bit)

System Info:
OS Name    Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Version    10.0.19043 Build 19043
Other OS Description     Not Available
OS Manufacturer    Microsoft Corporation
System Name    DESKTOP-6LKL3AJ
System Manufacturer    Acer
System Model    Nitro AN515-53
System Type    x64-based PC
System SKU    0000000000000000
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8300H CPU @ 2.30GHz, 2304 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date    Insyde Corp. V1.19, 2018-07-13
SMBIOS Version    3.0
Embedded Controller Version    1.19
BaseBoard Manufacturer    CFL
BaseBoard Product    Freed_CFS
BaseBoard Version    V1.19
Platform Role    Mobile
Secure Boot State    On
PCR7 Configuration    Elevation Required to View
Windows Directory    C:\WINDOWS
System Directory    C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device    \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale    United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer    Version = "10.0.19041.1151"
User Name    DESKTOP-6LKL3AJ\cbern
Time Zone    Central Standard Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM)    12.0 GB
Total Physical Memory    11.8 GB
Available Physical Memory    4.57 GB
Total Virtual Memory    21.8 GB
Available Virtual Memory    11.6 GB
Page File Space    10.0 GB
Page File    D:\pagefile.sys
Kernel DMA Protection    Off
Virtualization-based security    Not enabled
Device Encryption Support    Elevation Required to View
Hyper-V - VM Monitor Mode Extensions    Yes
Hyper-V - Second Level Address Translation Extensions    Yes
Hyper-V - Virtualization Enabled in Firmware    Yes
Hyper-V - Data Execution Protection    Yes
Pages: 1



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