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Fireshot no longer captures web page content in Google Chrome and Microsoft edge

Pages: 1
Posted:  23 Feb 2023 22:00
I use Fireshot for Chrome version 1.11.25 (64 bits).
I bought the licenses almost three years ago.
My operating system is Windows 10 Enterprise version 22h2.
The browsers in which I am experiencing problems are Google Chrome version 110.0.5481.77 (official version)(64 bits) and Microsoft Edge Version 110.0.1587.46 (Version officielle) (64 bits).
The problem I am facing is as follows:
Every time I try to capture an entire web page and turn it into a .pdf file. The resulting .pdf file contains a lot of blank pages, entire sections of the web page I tried to capture are not visible in the .pdf file and even worse, there are parts of the web page that are repeated at least three times in the resulting .pdf file.
Pages: 1



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