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Firefox - FireShot failed to init the host app with the following error

Pages: 1
Posted:  26 Oct 2017 16:43
Plugin version = FireShot Pro 0.98.93
OS type and version = MS Windows 7 Professional 64-bit, English
Version of browser = Mozilla Firefox 56.0.1 (x64- en-US)
Steps to reproduce the bug = Attempt to capture webpage / view license information

I provide helpdesk support for users in my company, and a few people in our marketing department use FireShot Pro. One user said this morning that it began to tell her that she needed to upgrade to Pro, which had just happened 2 weeks ago. At that time I just re-entered the license key and it worked, but now she is getting it again.

So I looked at her computer and in Firefox I attempted to view the license information for FireShot. When I did, an error message appeared, which says:

[JavaScript Application]
FireShot failed to init the host app with the following error:

Error: The host application failed to process the command:

After clicking "OK" on this error window, another one appears which says,

[JavaScript Application]
FireShot will continue in Lite mode.

So I'm not seeing any way to enter in the license key, which I don't know why I would have to do anyway. The user said that she can still use FireShot, but she is unable to capture a whole webpage like she was able to previously, and can now only capture the visible screen.

How can I resolve the error and stop being prompted to enter in the license key?
Pages: 1



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