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Screen capture chrome extension Native API Host has stopped working

Pages: 1
Posted:  18 Oct 2017 21:33
Fireshot Pro for Chrome v.0.98.93
OS Type and Ver.  Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview v1709 OS Build 17017.1000
Google Chrome Version 62.0.3202.62 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Steps taken to reproduce bug:- Restart Chrome, Restart Windows, Took a screenshot of the Error.
Webpage URL used at the time https://www.ashingtonpage.co.uk/details/?id=APCCB_501416

I was trying to Capture a Selection / Element and Save using the Cross Hairs and the Control Key. The Selection was the Floorplans and saving to a jpg file.
The program gets as far as the Save As Page and then Crashes.
Any help would be gratefully received. Thank You.
Pages: 1



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