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File fireshot_dbg.txt created on my C drive

Pages: 1
Posted:  21 May 2008 15:50
Each time I use Fireshot 0.46, I get a file fireshot_dbg.txt on my C drive. I downloaded this great add-on from the normal Firefox add-on site. Is this, unintentionally, some debug version of Fireshot?

Also, every snapshot I save in a location specified to MSPAINT also gets saved in ...Application Data\FireShot\publish. This is redundant.

Posted:  21 May 2008 18:26
this is not a debug version, but I'll check why this file is created.

Regarding publish folder - this is obligatory cool
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Posted:  22 May 2008 01:13
Thanks for the reply.

Obligatory? You mean it's the law?sad Otherwise, how about a statement that says something like IF ACTION NE SAVE AND ACTION NE EDIT THEN Write to Publish. Voil? !biggrin
Posted:  22 May 2008 05:44   Last Edited By: JK
This is my algorithm and I don't want to change anything actually for now. Sorry.
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