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Export to .pdf page often opens behind browser page

Pages: 1
Posted:  19 Nov 2021 19:10
I am using Firefox 94.0.1 and Fireshot Pro for Firefox v.0.99.15. I usually save a capture to .pdf but lately, there has been a change in how to program works. In the past, a command of "capture entire page and save as PDF" would open, after the capture, an "Export to" page in front of my browser page. Lately part of the time it does and part of the time it opens behind my browser page. In the past, there was an audible "shutter" tone at the time of the capture. Again the tone is now playing only part of the time. In Options, "Play sound after capture" is enabled. At first, I thought the anomaly was specific to certain kinds of captures, such as a whole page to pdf which is when I first noticed it. I have tried saving selections, visible pages etc and there seems to be no pattern. Any thoughts?
Pages: 1



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