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Cut and Past or Move Sections Like Paint

Pages: 1
Posted:  20 Nov 2008 15:30
I basically want to be able to highlight a section and move it like I can in Paint.   I had a very long web page full of account listings and wanted to cut out sections to shorten it.  I could "white-out" sections I could Crop, but I could not just cut a section at the bottom and pull it up to the top in order to shorten the list.   When I tried copy and past it just generated a new image and I could not move it back on.
Posted:  21 Nov 2008 03:24
Also, I would like to add a new file button, so Fireshot does not open up the last file I had open and insert a new capture into and existing project. A cute and past function to move sections.  I know I said move in the prior post, but in this case it could just be cut something out with out resorting to picking white in the fill tool to try and delete something.
Posted:  15 Jun 2014 13:42
Count me in on this please. I apologize ahead for the bump.
Pages: 1

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