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Chrome FireShot screenshot extension won't capture any page

Pages: 1
Posted:  20 Jan 2014 17:38
On Windows 8, latest version of Chrome 32.0.1700.76m and latest version of Fireshot downloaded from Chrome store I am unable to get Fireshot to capture anything.  All of the Fireshot menu options are there but when I use any capture method the screen will flicker as normal but fireshot never launches.  I have uninstalled/reinstalled Chrome and fireshot but to no avail.

Plugin Version: Fireshot 0.9847
OS type and version: Windows 8.1
Version of Firefox: 0.9847
Chrome 32.1.1700.76m
any webpage
Posted:  20 Jan 2014 19:58
Posted:  20 Jan 2014 22:53
Chrome: 32.0.1700.76 m
FireShot 0.98.47
Windows 8.1

Fireshot stopped working about a week ago. Same as above, my menu items are there but not functional.
Posted:  21 Jan 2014 01:19
Experiencing the same problem as Jrussellred. FS stopped working completely a few days ago (won't capture for Editing nor Save). Re installed FS and no go, Re installed Chrome and FS again, still no go..
Chrome Version 32.0.1700.76 m
Latest version FS downloaded today (where is the version number??)
Any webpage
Posted:  21 Jan 2014 12:34
Hi guys, thanks for reporting that. I have Windows 8.1 and the latest version of Chrome ( 32.0.1700.76 m ). I cannot find any problems on my PC, so I need your help to resolve this. If any of you can get in touch with me via TeamViewer, please let me know: I'd like to debug this problem on your PC. Thanks.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  21 Jan 2014 15:52
JK, if you could send me your teamviewer info via email I would be happy to schedule some time with you to see if we can get this to work.
Posted:  25 Jan 2014 20:40
Hi jrussel, just curios f this is still not working for you. Have your tried this with Chrome 31 and see if it works? I think v32.x on Chrome was just released last 2 weeks.
Posted:  25 Jan 2014 21:21
I don't have Team Viewer. Ran a full anti-virus sweep, reinstalled Chrome and FireShot and no go. I can initiate a FireShot procedure by Selecting area to capture, but it won't full execute by bringing selection into editing pane.
Pages: 1

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