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Fireshot unable to open library sss.dll

Pages: 1
Posted:  02 Jan 2014 08:01
I'm running 64-bit Windows 7 Pro SP1 (English version).

I installed FireShot 0.98.47 without difficulty on Pale Moon 24.2.2 (64-bit Firefox) but, when I try to use it to get a scrolling screenshot of the Extensions page, I get an error message: "couldn't open library sss.dll".  I get the same error message when trying to capture ANY browser page. 

This seems to be a problem dating back several years for some Firefox users, and neither of the suggested fixes (disabling my anti-virus program (MS Security Essentials) or reinstalling FireShot) do anything to help.

Any suggestions would be appreciated
Posted:  05 Jan 2014 16:30
Try to turn off User Access Control at Control Panel. I hope that will do the trick for you.
Posted:  05 Jan 2014 19:33
metzgerm ...

If you mean the User Account Control, I already had it set to "Never Notify".  If not (sorry to be dense), I don't know what you're referring to.
Posted:  30 Jan 2014 02:45
I am also getting Error: couldn't open library sss.dll
I recently updated to Firefox 26.0
I'm running Firefox as an admin and User Access Control is off. Windows 7, 64 bit.

I really like Fireshot and would like to continue using it. Any help would be appreciated.
Pages: 1

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