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Shortcut Key for Fireshot - tip.

Pages: 1
Posted:  15 Dec 2008 10:30
If you are non-English user and shortcut CTrl-ALt-Z doesn't work (for example - this shortcut is used for national charakters). Solution for Firefox 3.0.4 and FireshotPro. Turn off Firefox.

1. Find fireshot.jar and make backup.
2. Open it f.e. with Total Commander (select file and press ctrl+PageDown),
You see three directories: locale, content and skin
3. Enter into content and edit file fsoverlay.xul

<keys id="fireshot-hotkey-edit" modifiers="control alt" key="Z" oncommand=""/>


<keyset id="fireshot-keyset">
        <key id="fireshot-key"
            modifiers="accel, alt"   

4. Change it f.e. for "D"

5. Close (overlay) file, close archive. Run Firefox.

6. If system crash or something go wrong - restory original version from backup or install plugin again.
Posted:  07 Apr 2009 12:29
Thanks for great solution. Now it working corectly with ctrl+alt+D. Thank You.
Posted:  06 Jul 2009 15:45
Cannot find fireshot.jar on my system.
I'm using Fireshot 0.77 on Firefox 3.5 under Windows XP and want to change the Fireshot shortcut but cannot find the indicated file (searched all around my disk without luck)
Where did you found fireshot.jar?
Posted:  05 Apr 2011 23:33
To find 'fireshot.jar' on Win XP, go to the folder …

c:\Documents and Settings\[USER NAME]\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\[PROFILE NAME]\extensions\

… and run a search. It's there somewhere, in a folder w/ a cryptic name.

Note that JAR is an archive file and 'fsoverlay.xul' is in there in a sub folder '/content'.
Posted:  07 Apr 2011 17:17
Thanks for the info.......
Posted:  20 Apr 2011 09:13
Cannot find "fireshot.jar" either.

I'm using fireshot 0.88 under Windows 7

Where can i find the "fireshot.jar" file?
Posted:  27 Jun 2013 17:48
Hi Nenno, by any chance, have you found a way to resolve this? What browser are you using?>
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