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Cannot capture entire page screenshot on nagios performance graphs

Pages: 1
Posted:  11 May 2018 10:04
Plugin version (i.e. FireShot 0.98.94)
OS type and version: Tried with Windows 10 and Windows 7
Version of browser: Firefox 60
Steps to reproduce the bug: Please see below
Webpage URL causing this problem:https://ibb.co/j1gTfd

I'm using Fireshot with satisfaction (excellent product) but I have a problem capturing Nagios performance graphs (in reality it is check_MK a Nagios based product). To sum up I'm not able to capture the entire page. At the following link I shared an example:

It is reall important for me to have the ability to capture this kind of apges (entire page); why I'm not able to capture it? Other website work correctly thus this problem is surely related to check_MK but is it something that could be fixed on fireshot side or does it depend entirely on the type of page?
Pages: 1



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