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automation of page screenshots taking

Pages: 1
Posted:  14 Dec 2007 19:57
Well, I usually use scrapbook for saving hundreds of pages quickly. The problems is that there are pages that have hundreds of small size files and take a lot of time to save to pendrives and such. I would like to do that with Fireshot, for example set a folder to auto-save and a hot key and pressing that key save automatically.
Posted:  15 Dec 2007 03:57
Accepted, thanks.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  09 Jul 2008 18:34
Another vote for this. At the start of a batch, setting the location, file type, and base file name + increment, then quick captures of pages until I say I'm done with that batch.
Posted:  10 Jul 2008 18:55
Oh I like this one too another vote!
Posted:  23 Jul 2008 10:19
another vote!

it would be great if i can set a source page (parent) and fireshot can automatic take screenshot of all page (child) linked from the source page.

very useful in site like this:

now i have to open 100 pages and save 100 images manualy

Posted:  16 Dec 2008 18:17
Have recent versions of Fireshot provided a way to do this? Perhaps automatically saving each page to timestamp.png inside a particular folder.
Posted:  05 Jul 2014 18:59
Bumping this up. Sorry. Count me in!
Posted:  26 Aug 2016 10:38
+1. Like the idea of auto-capture, based on a supplied URL. Would also be handy to be able to add/configure path exclusions.
Posted:  06 Jul 2018 20:03
Count me in. thumb_up
Pages: 1

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