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Another Problem!!

Pages: 1
Posted:  04 Feb 2009 15:45
Join Date: Jan 2009
Version Fireshot 0.68

Vista Home Basic 6.0.6000 Build 6000

Version of Firefox

Now I can no longer move the text box to a different location. I get a new text box when I click on the one I want to move. I suspect that I will find more bugs as I try to do different tasks. What have you done to this once great tool?

Posted:  04 Feb 2009 17:17
You click it once and select it.
Then you can click it again and perform moving.

The behaviour is exactly as Visio does.
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Posted:  05 Feb 2009 07:26
I know how it is supposed to work having done it many times but after the upgrade it performed as I stated. And how is one supposed to select complex areas or get multiple arrows from a text box?

The only solution for the first problem was to re-install an earlier version of the program.
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