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Webpage to pdf converter with selectable, editable text

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Posted:  03 Jan 2013 20:54   Last Edited By: HugoS
I don't know if this is technically possible but I would like to suggest that FireShot produce selectable, editable text in the pdf files it creates.  Currently it produces pdf's with static images.  Since some users might prefer a staic image, it could be a configurable setting: either static output or selectable/editable output.

I previously asked about this functionality over in this thread: https://getfireshot.com/sup/art1417.htm

•  Plugin version:  FireShot 0.98.26
•  OS type and version: Windows XP Pro SP3 English, Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1 English
•  Version of Firefox: 17.0.1
Posted:  05 Jan 2013 20:41   Last Edited By: JK
Hello and thank you for your suggestions. Unfortunately, this feature is very difficult to implement and I'm having a lot of to do, so I don't know when this feature will be implemented.
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Posted:  27 Jan 2013 21:19
I agree, not to mention, only few users would be using this. Try considering hiring someone to do the code modification for you. If that's an option.
Posted:  28 Jun 2017 16:09
I need this function to. My work needs to set up one pdf document of the whole webpage structure with selectable text, and working links. The linking function working, this is wery awesome, but the text in the pdf document stay only just image.

Google Chrome Version: 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit)
Posted:  30 Aug 2017 18:45
Thank you for your hint!
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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Posted:  07 Jan 2018 15:21
I also need Fifeshot Pro to generate a searchable PDF. It's very useful for most users. OCR technologies are pretty matured. Although Adobe Acrobat could convert Fireshot's PDF into searchable PDF, it takes too much time. I paid and I want to save my time.
Posted:  29 Mar 2018 23:13
I would use a "searchable/selectable text" pdf tool constantly! Having such a feature in FireShot would be extremely helpful.
Posted:  02 Apr 2018 13:31
Thank you guys for this suggestion. However, we do not a specific date for this feature release.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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Posted:  28 Apr 2018 15:17
I wish for this possibility as well. Please let us know when it may be implemented. I would buy more licenses if you offered this convenience.
Posted:  28 Apr 2018 15:20
https://www.printfriendly.com/ is not the same and misses what fireshot can do easily. The only advantage is with printfriendly the page is editable.
Posted:  28 Apr 2018 15:25
Only works for Firefox prior to Quantum (version 57).
Posted:  28 Apr 2018 16:04
To JK,
I am a venture capitalist for 14 years. As a user and an investor, I think searchable PDF is a significant advantage. That will increase your business significantly. Please consider our suggestions.
Posted:  06 Jul 2018 20:33
I've asked for a refund BECAUSE I need/want searchable PDFs.   Images are useless for my purposes.
Posted:  11 Jul 2018 23:09
FireShot Pro does a LOT of things that none of my other tools can do (at all, or easily).

The ability to output a PDF with Editable Text would be a huge help.
I understand that everyone wants more features, always, ++, etc., and of course, there are only so many hours in the day, and cost/benefit must past muster, in terms of your own resources,

This is one feature that seems like it has been desired for a long-time, at least since 2013, based on this thread.

This feature would be extremely useful, for many of your clients
Thank you for considering this request. Hope you can find a way to implement it.
Posted:  05 Mar 2019 19:45
Plugin version (FireShot Pro for Firefox v.0.98.96)
OS type and version (MS Windows Version 1803 german)
Version of browser (Firefox Quantum v 65.0.2)

A few days ago I registered Fireshot hoping that the Pro Version will produce pdf's with selectable text. Can you imagine my disappointment when I noticed that Fireshot Pro also produces only images;-) Like all the others, I urgently need selctable text! Allways creating two files (one with a 'simple' pdf printer for selectable text and ohne with fireshot for optical appearance) or using a screenshot reader with OCR are workarounds, but not what I expect for 40 euros. Please do not misunderstand me, I like FireShot, it's a great product, but integrating the ability to create pdfs with editable text makes it a reference! Greetings
Posted:  23 Jul 2019 23:56
I would GREATLY appreciate having automatic OCR run before saving final pdf as an option.
I do a lot of archiving from saved pdf page and I would LOVE to have this functionality embedded in FireShot.
Posted:  29 Jul 2019 20:26
I would also like this feature.

I don't care about the OCR as much as being able to select text to copy/paste later. I found that printing to PDF is significantly smaller than the image-based output that FireShot creates, but I am using FireShot still because it is the only way I have found to capture multiple tabs into a PDF file. I do appreciate that it saves the links.
Posted:  25 Nov 2019 02:14
Now with iOS 13 and iPadOS, iPhone and iPad support full webpage screenshot and you could save these shots as fully searchable and editable PDFs. With these system running on more than 50% of all of iPhone and 33% of all iPad devices (reference:https://developer.apple.com/support/app-store/), I could not see why you are not seriously considering playing catching up and making you product more competitive.
Posted:  04 Dec 2019 12:00   Last Edited By: JK
Thank you. I can confirm this feature in the next update for the Pro users.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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Posted:  16 Jan 2020 20:41
This is great news!
Posted:  28 Jan 2020 20:35
Just registered to say that I am also looking for this feature!
Posted:  28 Jan 2020 20:57
@JK Great message! I wish you a great success!
Posted:  11 May 2020 13:56
I just purchased pro because this thread indicated this functionality is included. The captures FireShot produces don't seem to have select-able & editable text. Is there something I'm missing?
Posted:  11 May 2020 16:03
NaruFGT, I was excited to see the developer's comment that this would be in the next release, but the next release came without this feature (unless it is hidden and I couldn't find it). I don't know why the Admin would say this is in the next release, and then it not be there. It was very disappointing.
Posted:  20 May 2020 10:56
hi, when are going to release new version with OCR ?
Posted:  04 Jun 2020 16:13   Last Edited By: JK
Hello. I know, many of you are waiting this option. I apologize for the delay in releasing this feature.
I wanted to share the progress: it's almost done and is in a testing phase now.

The features additionally implemented are: smart page breaks, customized headers and footers designed specially for PDFs, and a new customization dialog.

We expect to release it this month.

FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  15 Jun 2020 04:49

I don't see this feature yet. How to get to this option?
Please let me know.

Posted:  16 Jun 2020 13:35
We start releasing it to Edge New browser first (today or tomorrow).
If everything goes OK and the software is proven to work nicely, we'll start the release for Chrome and Firefox.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  16 Jun 2020 13:45
Great news! Thanks! And Opera ?
Posted:  16 Jun 2020 13:47
Great news! Thanks! And Opera ?

In the meantime, yes. The Opera code review policy isn't so loyal, so it's gonna take some more time.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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