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Screenshot Chrome extension v.s. pdf printer

Pages: 1
Posted:  02 Jan 2013 16:48
I use PDFCreator which isn't as good as FireShot in terms of the appearance of the output - it doesn't look as good.

What i like better about PDFCreator is that outputted text is easily selectable and editable within the pdf file that is produced.  Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be the case with the output of the screenshot chrome extension - it seems to be a static image snapshot.  Can anyone confirm this and are there settings that will alter this, or is there perhaps a workaround?  Thx
Posted:  03 Jan 2013 06:46
I can confirm this difference between PDFCreator and FireShot. There's no workaround for this problem, I'm sorry.
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Posted:  06 Jan 2013 15:06
Thanks for being transparent onto this. Would be nice though if this has will be considered as a feature in the future versions.
Posted:  06 Jan 2013 22:56   Last Edited By: HugoS
I was told this is low priority at the moment.  If anyone wants to see this feature added (or not), please give your input over at this thread.
Posted:  07 Jan 2013 07:38
Yes, I'm agree. If the feature is welcome, we'll see that and I'll shift it up in my task list.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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