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Whole Page screenshot being saved to PDF as blank

Pages: 1
Posted:  26 Sep 2022 20:24
We’re having some issues saving longer websites for a few weeks now.

Some tech details:
-    FireShot Pro for Firefox v.1.11.18 (64-bit)
-    OS: Windows 10 Pro
-    Browser: Firefox 105.0.1 (64-Bit)
-    Webpage I try to Screenshot: https://www.websmart.de/impressum/agb

To document our changes in our legal texts, we want to make screenshots of the legal page of our website.

This worked fine, until a few weeks ago:
When I open Firefox, open the Webpage and click on “Screenshot entire page and save as PDF”, the plugin starts, but the first few pages (it’s a longer page) are pretty much blank.
Only after a few pages, the text appears again.

I also opened the PDF in Affinity Photo and saw, that there was an image above the text and the text was behind it with a high transparency.

Do you have any idea what’s happening here and how to solve our issue?
Posted:  27 Sep 2022 18:25   Last Edited By: JK

There's an option in FireShot Options to reduce the scrolling speed of the page to get it fully rendered while it's scrolling. Can you please use this option to decrease the scrolling speed?
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  07 Oct 2022 09:03
I have a similar problem and the solution is to use the Fireshot version from getfireshot.com Its v. 1.10.5 from July. The problem occures only with the version 1.11.18, which i downloaded from the app stores of Chrome and Firefox.

The scrolling speed has nothing to do with it. I checked that.
Posted:  18 Oct 2022 11:22
Hey MisterBradley,

thanks for supporting.
Yes, I can confirm, that the scrolling speed doesn't solve the issue.

I found older versions on https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/fireshot/versions/, and I was able to download the latest "old version" and make the screenshot I wanted.
I was also able to deactivate automated updates via the Addon settings in Firefox (needed, as otherwise the newest version is installed automatically), so going back to the older version solves the issue (but a working updated version of course would be better).
Pages: 1

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