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URL not showing up as (editor) header

Pages: 1
Posted:  19 Dec 2024 21:53   Last Edited By: Ruth
I've been using FireShot for years and years and I love it! (I wish it had highlighting :-) )

My problem is, the editor settings are no longer working for me. 
From the dropdown:  Miscellaneous, options.  Click the click to setup button.  Choose Images, header, from left pane.  Select radio button.  Oops!  I can go no further. - editor refuses to open - for the first time! 

But I click the %u, meaning I want the URL to display as a header in my saved capture.
That has stopped working and hasn't worked for several months for me.  I thought it was a glitch.

I am on Windows 11 home.  Vivaldi browser.  OMG, FireShot will no longer open beyond the dropdown choices.  I read some posts where this was happening but it never happened to me before.  My FireSort version is whatever is the latest and greatest - it updates automatically.  Anyway, my (original) problem doesn't involve one webpage, the URL doesn't show up on any captured pages. I usually do a "capture visible part and ... edit". 

Has some action changed or am I forgetting to do something?  I'm concerned it's user error, but can someone tell me what I need to do to get the URL printed at the top of my saved screenshots?  THANKS very much!

Restart browser fixed FireShot.  It is FireShot Pro for Chrome v. 64 bit.  In the editor, I select the Add header checkbox and the Create from text template radio button.  Then click on the %u predefined value.
Pages: 1



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