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Upload Fireshot Captured Page/Image To A Website/Web app

Pages: 1
Posted:  24 Dec 2018 07:40
Proud registered user.
Currently using 0.98.94
On Win7
On FF/63.0

I wonder if it would be possible to have a  Fireshot feature to upload the image it captured to a web application?   

For example, I would "register" a web app with Fireshot(giving FS my username and password).  When I take a FIRESHOT of the web page, in addition to the SAVE TO FILE or CAPTURE SELECTION TO CLIPBOARD options, Fireshot would give me a CPATURE AS PDF TO WEBAPP option.   

I suppose this WEBAPP would need an API to allow FS to dump the file to it.  But if Fireshot gave me some parameters, I could probably get an API written.

Pages: 1



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