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Trouble Capturing A Long Scrollable Area in Screenshots

Pages: 1
Posted:  29 Jun 2018 17:08
HI! I am a new premium user and am trying to capture a scrollable field on a website. I am on a desktop PC with Windows 10 OS. I am in Google Chrome (my company uses Google Suite so I am mostly in Chrome) and am struggling with the fact that when you hit Ctrl and scroll on mouse wheel (it zooms). Soooo I researched that and found a "block" zoom extension with hopes as solving the issue. It didn't because now the wheel wont scroll at all. Additionally I have tried using keyboard arrows to move the page (they don't), clicking on the arrow on the scroll bar (which results in a screenshot - not of the scrollable material). I know this is likely user error but I have legit tried to solve in every way I know how and am getting no where sad

Any help would be much appreciated smile and happy Friday!
Pages: 1



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