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Studdering or Repeating full website screenshots

Pages: 1
Posted:  30 Jun 2011 00:28
Plugin version: FireShot 0.91
OS type & Version: Win7 Home Premium, SP1 (64 bit vers)
Version of Firefox: 5.o/most current -no more numbers
Steps to reproduce: FireShot 'Studders (the capture repeats & does not get the Full page) I wish I could, it just seems to be certain places/pages - I have some captures (will attach if I can)

I never know when it is going to happen until it does...

Also, I could 'not' open the Bug Report & Firefox Crashed trying to open the file (I would attach if I had it; but, I do not know where it is)...

I would look at the Suite; but, I need it to work consistantly -else I might as well get SnagIt.

Posted:  04 Jul 2011 00:35
Hmmm, should I have posted in Premium (since I purchased one ScreenShot) to get an Answer?
Posted:  05 Jul 2011 01:18
Can you more to Premium to get an answer? I have purchased 1 version & was looking at a 2nd or maybe the Suite
Posted:  05 Jul 2011 15:24
Hey friend, sorry for the delay. Yes such problem exists. To override it in the current 0.91 version please change the capture method as specified at the screenshot:

FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  06 Jul 2011 22:31
Plugin version: FireShot 0.91
OS type & Version: Win7 Home Premium, SP1 (64 bit vers)
Version of Firefox: 5.o/most current -no more numbers

While changing to HTML reload of the page has helped, I was caught unawares by another repeating page -I will try to be ready & get a screen shot. Is this problem being worked on?
Posted:  08 Jul 2011 05:54   Last Edited By: Hwy101
Okay - I still have the Repeating on occassion (I am trying to get a shot of one -the first one after changing to HTML rebuild surprised me as it 'seemed' to fix the problem)

Plus, I installed the 1.9.92 to see if that would help (got a message about Expired, will work in 'Simple' mode. Hmmm, so I don't get to try the Studio Suite to see if the new does any better? Curious)

Pages: 1

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