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Screenshot Studio 1.1.1 released

Pages: 1
Posted:  04 Mar 2007 16:07
+ 2 new global hotkeys added: Take Screenshot Silently, Take Top Window screenshot.
+ Save Project and Load Project hotkeys added
+ Added graphical algorithms hotkeys.
+ Added silent capture mode to capture screens without displaying editor. Useful in games and related stuff.
+ Implemented a new capturing algorithm which provides taking screenshots from video players. Added switch in options dialog to disable this feature.
+ Added new graphical algorithms: Glowing edges, Interlacing.
+ Added images concatenation feature: when you have more than 1 image to be exported, you can create just one image which will contain all of them. You can specify the way images are concatenated.
+ Last number used for naming images is now optionally restored at startup.

* Modified memory management model: much more screenshots can be stored in RAM from now.

- Fixed incorrect thumbnail creation.
- Fixed AV when reordered tab sheets were deleted
- Fixed error window displayed in Vista at startup. Screenshot Studio is now fully compatible with Vista innovations.
- Toolbar now remembers its state at startup (minimized/normal).
- Editor is now a topmost application, no more foreign windows displayed on top after displaying editor.
- Copying to clipboard feature now puts images to clipboard instead of file links as earlier. If more than 1 image is being copied, then images are concatenated.
- PNGs loaded back into SSS didn’t have graphic effects applied at creation time.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Pages: 1

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